The Conformal Structure of FRW Space-times

Philip A Threlfall
(Australian National University)

Coauthor(s): Susan M. Scott

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We will consider the Friedmann-Roberston-Walker (FRW) space-times in the context of conformal relationships. Recently there has been a lot of interest in the different types of singularities that the FRW space-times admit, namely Big Bangs, Big Crunches, Big Rips, Sudden Singularities and Extremality Events. We present a discussion and comparison of these singularities in relation to the generic conformal singularities defined by Höhn and Scott, [1] namely the Isotropic Past Singularity (IPS), Isotropic Future Singularity (IFS), Anisotropic Future Singularity (AFS), Future Isotropic Universe (FIU) and the Anisotropic Future Endless Universe (AFEU).

[1] Scott and Höhn, "Encoding cosmological futures with conformal structures", Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 26, 2009.