AUSHEP06 - Agenda

Click on presentation titles for links to abstracts.

Day1: Tuesday 17th October

TimeDuration SpeakerTalk
 Session 1. Chairperson: Tony Signal
9:0010Jenny WilliamsWelcome
9.1012+3David Krofcheck NZCMS Overview
9.2545+5Albert de Roeck LHC and CMS overview
10:1525+5Geoff Taylor Status of the ATLAS Experiment
10:40Coffee and Discussion
 Session 2. Chairperson: David Krofcheck
11:1030+5Michael Campbell The Medipix Project: a successful example of technology dissemination from High Energy Physics
11:4515+5Anatoly Rozenfeld Medical Radiation Physics Program at UoW
12:0525+5Keith Nugent The Australian Synchrotron: An Overview
12:3520+5Ermanno Imbergamo Kaon physics in NA48
 Session 3. Chairperson: Anthony Butler
14:1515+5John TurnerThe Training of Medical Physicists in New Zealand
14:3530+5Jim Metson New Zealand Opportunities through Participation in the Australian Synchrotron
15:1025+5Anatoly Rozenfeld Mini-dosimetry in modern radiation therapy
15:40Coffee and Discussion
 Session 4. Chairperson: Phil Butler
16.1025+5Emmanuel Tsesmelis Australasia and CERN - Opportunities for Collaboration
16:4040+5Dharamvir Ahluwalia-Khalilova Darkness of Dark Matter: A Wignerian Dream
17:50Depart for Willowbank Show+Dinner+Tour

Day2: Wednesday 18th October

TimeDuration SpeakerTalk
 Session 5. Chairperson: Alan Bell
9:0025+5Anatoly Rozenfeld Micro- and nano-dosimetry for radiobiological planning in radiotherapy
9:3015+5Andrew Blair Radiation protection of the skin in Cardiology
9.5015+5Ross McGurk The simulation of scattered radiation from a partly shielded industrial radioactive source in order to confirm difficult radiation protection measurements
10:1025+5Lukas Tlustos Single photon counting: advantages, limitations and future directions
10:40Coffee and Discussion
 Session 6. Chairperson: Jenny Williams
11:1025+5David KrofcheckHeavy Ion Collisions with the CMS Detector
11.4025+5Rob Lewis Medical Imaging using Synchrotron X-rays
12:1025+5Tony Signal Some Aspects of Parton Distributions and Structure Functions
12:4015+5Alan Bell The CMS Beam Scintillation Counter -- Evolution vs Intelligent Design
 Session 7. Chairperson: Tony Signal
14:1520+5Geoff TaylorOverview of HEP in Australia
14.3535+5Albert de Roeck The LHC Physics Program
15.2015+5Jonathan Griffin Monte Carlo simulation of radiotherapy electron beams
15:40Coffee and Discussion
 Session 8. Chairperson: John Turner
16.1025+5Iwan Cornelius Silicon Microdosimetry and its Application to Equivalent Dose Measurements in Ground based, Space, and Aviation
16.3015+5Ben Wilder Varying Slit Translating Bed Technique for TBI: Summary of Thesis Report
16:5030ALLMedical Physics Project Forum
17:40BBQ and croquet in Hagley Park (BBQ ready at 6pm)

Day3: Thursday 19th October

TimeDuration SpeakerTalk
 Session 9. Chairperson: David Krofcheck
9:0035+5Albert De Roeck Future Linear Colliders: CLIC/ILC
9:4020+5Anthony Butler The Christchurch Medipix Project
10:0520+5Glenn Moloney The Australian Grid Computing Federation for the ATLAS Experiment
10:30Coffee and Discussion
 Session 10. Chairperson: Orlon Petterson
11:0020+5Tim David The University of Canterbury Supercomputer
11:2525+5Paul Bonnington BeSTGRID - Broadband enabled Science and Technology GRID
11:5520+5Marco La Rosa The gLite Middleware Stack
12:20approx 1hrMarco La Rosa Demonstration: How-To Become a WLCG Tier 2 - The Australian Experience
1:00 Lunch - continuation/conclusion of Grid Demo Session
 Session 11. Chairperson: Nick Cook
14:0020+5Peter Cottrell The Southern African Large Telescope and its first science
14.2520+5Richard Gray A Photon Counting X-Ray Scanner
14.5015+5David Gunn IMRT - An introduction into a "new" radiotherapy technique
15.1015+5Gopishankar.N GammaKnife treatment plan dose analysis by GAFChromic film using MATLAB software
15:30Coffee and Discussion
 Session 12. Chairperson: Lou Reinisch
15.5015+5Anas Sedayo Vascular Imaging with the Medipix2 Detector
16.1020+5Nick CookThe Medipix Detector in Mammography
16:3515+5Julian Maclaren The correction of motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging
16.5515+5Rob McLeod CT slice width evaluation using Gafchromic XR- QA film
17.1515+5Rajmohan Edward Verification of treatment planning parameters in tomotherapy using EBT radiochromic film
19:00Conference Dinner

Day4: Friday 20th October

TimeDuration SpeakerTalk
 Session 13. Chairperson: Suruj Seunarine
9:0025+5Jenni Adams Neutrino detection with IceCube
9.3020+5Stuart LansleyRadiation detection using diamonds; applications in high energy physics and medical physics
9:5520+5Sam Thigpen Evolving Precision Instruments from Off the Shelf Components
10:2015+5Richard Gray The CMS Fast Beam Conditions Monitor
10:40Coffee and Discussion
 Session 14. Chairperson: Jenni Adams
11:1555+5Gavin RowellRecent Highlights in TeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy and Future Plans
12.1520+5Bryn Sobott The Pilatus large area pixel detector for the synchrotron
12:4015+5Suruj SeunarineLight yeild from Cascades
 Session 15. Chairperson: Jenny Williams
14:1520+5Steve Churchwell The Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment (RICE)
14:4015+5Ermanno Imbergamo Hyperon physics in NA48
15.0025+5Phillip Urquijo Measurements of CP violation and the nature of quarks at the Belle Experiment
15:3010Jenny WilliamsWrap up and summary
15:40Coffee, Discussion and Close
Note that the closing time of the conference is reserved to be 17:00 - the programme will be added to with a final session if there are sufficient presentations.