Thesis template files

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This set of files has come about as I have been spending far too much time playing with LaTeX files to write long documents like theses, and far too little time actually writing my own thesis. However, as several people have found some of these files of use, and so that I don't have to collect them together again and put them into another email, here they are for general use.

This is only a rough guide and, as such, there are a couple of rather quick-and-dirty bits - such as the way the page headers are set up: I know that it makes the header I want, but there are a few extraneous commands in the file that makes it, and I am way too lazy to find them and remove them. If works, so I'm not fixing it!

Any questions/comments/suggestions/protests, please email me at

The files you will need

This section is still under construction, but will include such files as:
Thesis master file thesis.tex - this is the one you will process by running latex thesis, latex thesis. This will create the processed file thesis.dvi which can be viewed with a package like xdvi. This file sets up the headers on pages, and currently uses a number of rather useful packages, also sets up numbering for Appendices. (Uses report format.)
Front-matter file header.tex - contains front page, abstract (incl. space for a quote), sets up table-of-contents, list-of-figures, list-of-tables automatically, and has acknowledgements section.
First chapter intro.tex - this is sourced by thesis.tex
Second chapter background.tex - it should be clear from here and from the master file how to add more files, and it's explained nicely in LaTeX manuals.
Appendix appendix.tex - just another chapter file, but the master file sets up the page numbering correctly for it.
Bibliography style file h-physrev3.bst - my personal preference is to use BibTeX to automatically create bibliographies. For instructions on how to use it (and therefore, how to not use it in these files), see my notes on using BibTeX.
Sample bibliography file rwj.bib - database bibliography file (see BibTeX notes for more explanation)

I've tried to make the files as simple as possible, and requiring few files that don't come with the standard distribution of LaTeX (version 2e!), however, there are a few nice extras that may need to be hunted down and saved into the same file as the thesis files (or another file on the path that LaTeX searches when you process files).

For example:
CTAN tex-archive - lots of useful style files, bibliography styles, graphics packages, etc., here. Worth a look around.
Axodraw - an excellent package for drawing Feynman diagrams (and pretty good for other pictures and adding labels to PostScript figures, if you're patient), now in colour too.
amsfonts.sty and amssymb.sty - useful extensions to LaTeX macros - includes lots of useful symbols, e.g., greater-than-or-equal-to.

Two nice files which are part of the standard LaTeX distribution are setspace.sty and cite.sty which are called in the master file thesis.tex. The first sets up the standard spacing for a thesis: double spacing (well, about 1.6 in LaTeX - full double spacing looks stupid), but with single spacing for tables, footnotes, captions, etc. cite.sty compactifies the numbering for multiple citations, for example, [1,2,3,4] becomes [1-4], while [5,6] remains as [5,6].

graphicx.sty, which is also called here, is the extended graphics package for LaTeX2e.

A brief rant about LaTeX2e

Note that LaTeX2e should be used by putting \documentclass in the document - rather than \documentstyle comment which accesses the old LaTeX2.09 mode of LaTeX2e - which is slower and not very good at including figures. Using LaTeX2e with the graphicx package is (IMO) the best way to include figures in LaTeX documents.

Two places to look for info about putting in figures:
My notes on how to include figures in LaTeX documents. Currently still rather rough, but has the general idea, including how to put in multiple figures.
DESY LaTeX2e site - some excellent documents here, including lots of info on including figures in LaTeX2e documents.

Last modified: 26 Jan 2001 Copyright © 2000  Jenny Williams Email: