@string{PRB = "Phys. Rev. B"} @string{PRA = "Phys. Rev. A"} @string{JPC1 = "J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys."} @string{JPA = "J. Phys. A: Math. Gen."} @string{JPB = "J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys."} @string{JPF = "J. Phys. F: Met. Phys."} @string{AP = "Adv. Phys."} @string{JAP = "J. Appl. Phys."} @string{JAC = "J. Alloys Compd."} @string{MP = "Mol. Phys."} @string{JMMM = "J. Mag. Mag. Materials"} @string{PPS = "Proc. Phys. Soc."} @string{PRS = "Proc. Roy. Soc."} @string{PRL = "Phys. Rev. Lett."} @string{JCP = "J. Chem. Phys."} @string{JPCS = "J. Phys. Chem. Solids"} @string{JL = "J. Luminescence"} @string{JMP = "J. Math. Phys."} @string{RMP = "Rev. Mod. Phys."} @string{PR = "Phys. Rev."} @string{JPC2 = "J. Phys.: Condens. Matter"} @string{PL = "Phys. Lett."} @string{PSSb = "Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)"} @string{PSSa = "Phys. Stat. Sol. (a)"} @string{pssb = "Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)"} @string{pssa = "Phys. Stat. Sol. (a)"} @string{CPL = "Chem. Phys. Lett."} @string{AJP = "Austral. J. Phys."} @string{SSC = "Solid State Commun."} @string{SPSS = "Soviet Phys.: Solid State"} @string{ZPB = "Z. Phys. B"} @string{ZP = "Z. Phys."} @book{Har66, author = "W. A. Harrison", title = "Pseudopotentials in the theory of metals", publisher = "W. A. Benjamin", address = "Reading, Mass.", year = 1966 } @book{Tin64, author = "M. Tinkham", title = "Group theory and quantum mechanics", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", address = "New York", year = 1964 } @book{PFTV86, author = "W. H. Press and B. P. Flannery and S. A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vetterling", title = "Numerical recipes: {T}he art of scientific computing", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1986 } @book{LN69, author = "J. W. Leech and D. J. Newman", title = "How to use groups", publisher = "Methuen", address = "London", year = 1969 } @book{MN87, author = "P. K. Mac{K}eown and D. J. 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Orbach", title = "Spin--lattice relaxation in ionic solids", publisher = "Harper and Row", year = 1966 } @book{Huf78, author = "S. H{\" u}fner", title = "Optical spectra of transparent rare earth compounds", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "London", year = 1978} @Book{CoDuGr89, author = "C. Cohen-Tannoudji and J. Duport-Roc and G. Grynberg", title = "Photons and atoms", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1989, address = "New York"} @book{PS83, author = "S. B. Piepho and P. N. Schatz", title = "Group theory in spectroscopy, with applications to magnetic circular dichroism", publisher = "Wiley, New York", year = 1983} @Book{Weissbluth78, author = {M. Weissbluth}, title = {Atoms and molecules}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = {1978}, address = {New York}} @book{Wyb65, author = "B. G. Wybourne", title = "Spectroscopic properties of rare earths", publisher = "Interscience, New York", year = 1965} @book{Ste90, author = "G. E. Stedman", title = "Diagram techniques in group theory", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1990} @Book{AH94, author = {S. L. Altmann and P. Herzig}, title = {Point-group theory tables}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, year = {1994}, address = {Oxford} } @article{Kam95, author = "A. A. Kaminskii", journal = pssa, title = "Today and tomorrow of laser-crystal physics", year = 1995, volume = "{\bf 148}", pages = " 9--79"} @article{KG81, author = "M. Kibler and G. Grenet", journal = PRB, title = " ", year = 1981, volume = "{\bf 23}", pages = " 967--970" } @article{Wyb65a, author = "B. G. Wybourne", journal = JCP, title = "Use of relativistic wave functions in crystal field theory", year = 1965, volume = "{\bf 43}", pages = " 4506--4507" } @article{Wyb66, author = "B. G. Wybourne", journal = PR, title = "Energy levels of trivalent gadolinium and ionic contribution to the ground state splitting", year = 1966, volume = "{\bf 148}", pages = " 317--327" } @ARTICLE{Wyb68, author="B. G. Wybourne", title="Effective operators and spectroscopic properties", journal="J. Chem. Phys.", volume = "{\bf 48}", pages=" 2596--2611", year="1968" } @article{Hut64, author = "M. T. Hutchings", journal = "Solid State Phys.", title = "Point-charge calculations of energy levels of magnetic ions in crystalline electric fields", year = 1964, volume= "{\bf 16}", pages= " 227--273" } @article{HR63, author = "M. T. Hutchings and D. K. Ray", journal = "Proc. Phys. Soc.", title = "Investigation into the origin of crystalline electric field effects on rare earth ions {I. C}ontribution from neighbouring induced moments", year = 1963, volume = "{\bf 81}", pages = " 663--676" } @article{AMS72, author = "I. B. Aizenberg and B.Z. Malkin and A. L. Stolov", journal = "Sov. Phys. Solid State", title = "Cubic centers of the {Er$^{3+}$} ion in crystals of the fluorite type", year = 1972, volume = "{\bf 13}", pages = " 2155--2158" } @article{CC83, author = "W. T. Carnall and H. 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Dieke", title = "Spectra and energy levels of {Eu$^{3+}$} in {LaCl$_3$}", year = 1963, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 38}", pages = " 2190--2199" } @article{AD62, author = "J. D. Axe and G. H. Dieke", title = "Calculation of crystal-field splittings of {Sm$^{3+}$} and {Dy$^{3+}$} levels in {LaCl$_3$} with inclusion of {$J$} mixing", year = 1962, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 37}", pages = "$\> $ 2364--2371" } @article{KD66, author = "N. H. Kiess and G. H. Dieke", title = "Energy levels of {Er$^{3+}$} and {Pr$^{3+}$} in hexagonal {LaBr$_3$}", year = 1966, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 45}", pages = " 2729--2734" } @article{CFFW76, author = "A. K. Cheetham and B. E. F. Fender and H. Fuess and A. F. Wright", title = "A powder neutron diffraction study of lanthanum and cerium trifluorides", year= 1976, journal = "Acta Cryst. B", volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = " 94--97", } @article{CGRR89, author = "W. T. Carnall and G. L. Goodman and K. Rajnak and R. S. Rana", title = "A systematic analysis of the spectra of the lanthanides doped into single crystal {LaF$_3$}", year = 1989, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 90}", pages= " 3443--3457"} @article{Car92, author = "W. T. Carnall", title = "A systematic analysis of the spectra of trivalent actinide chlorides in {D}$_{3h}$ site symmetry", year = 1992, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 96}", pages= " 8713--8726"} @article{LBH93, author = "G. K. Liu and J. V. Beitz and J. Huang", title = "Ground-state splitting of {S}-state ion {C}m$^{3+}$ in {LaCl}$_3$", year = 1993, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 99}", pages= " 3304--3311", } @article{LCJCH94, author = "G. K. Liu and W. T. Carnall and R. C. Jones and R. L. Cone and J. Huang", title = "Electronic energy level structure of {Tb}$^{3+}$ in {LiYF}$_4$", year = 1994, journal = "J. Alloys Compd.", volume = "{\bf 207--208}", pages= " 69--73", } @article{CLWR91, author = "W. T. Carnall and G. K. Liu and C. W. Williams and M. F. Reid", title = "Analysis of the crystal-field spectra of the actinide tetrafluorides. {I}. {UF}$_4$, {NpF}$_4$ and {PuF}$_4$", year = 1991, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 95}", pages= " 7194--7203", } @article{AM83, author = "F. Auzel and O. L. Malta", journal= JPC1, title = "A scalar crystal field strength parameter for rare-earth ions: meaning and usefulness", year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 44}", pages = " 201--206" } @InCollection{Auz84, author = "F. Auzel", booktitle = "Energy transfer processes in condensed matter", title = "A scalar crystal field strength parameter for rare-earth ions", publisher = "Plenum {P}ress", address = "London", year = 1984, editor = "B. Di Bartolo", pages = " 511--520" } @article{BHMSC83, author = "P. Blanchfield and T. Hailing and A. J. Miller and G. A. Saunders and B. Chapman", journal = JPC1, title = "Vibrational anharmonicity of oxide and fluoride" , year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = " 3851--3858" } @InCollection{CBCRM83, author = "W. T. Carnall and J. V. Beitz and H. Crosswhite and K. Rajnak and J. B. Mann", booktitle = "Systematics and the properties of the lanthanides", title = "Spectroscopic properties of the f-elements in compounds and solutions", publisher = "D. Reidel", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1983, editor = "S. P. Sinha", pages = " 389-450" } @article{CCJ68, author = "H. Crosswhite and H. M. Crosswhite and B. R. Judd", title = "Magnetic parameters for the configuration $f^3$", year = 1968, journal = PR, volume = "{\bf 174}", pages = " 89--94"} @article{Mar47, author = "H. H. Marvin", title = "Mutual magnetic interactions of electrons", year = 1947, journal = PR, volume = "{\bf 71}", pages = " 102--110"} @article{CJ70, author = "H. Crosswhite and B. R. Judd", title = "Reduced matrix elements of two-electron double-vector operators for $f^4$ and $f^5$", year = 1970, journal = "Atomic Data", volume = "{\bf 1}", pages = " 329--357"} @article{Cro77, author = "H. M. Crosswhite", title = "Systematic atomic and crystal-field parameters for lanthanides in {LaCl$_3$} and {LaF$_3$}", year = 1977, journal = "Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique", volume = "{\bf 255}", pages = " 65--69"} @article{CC84, author = "H. Crosswhite and H. M. Crosswhite", title = "Parametric model for $f$-shell configurations. {I. T}he effective-operator Hamiltonian", year = 1984, journal = "J. Opt. Soc. Am. B", volume = "{\bf 1}", pages = " 246--254"} @article{DZKKS77, author = "M. P. Davidova and S. B. Zdanovitch and B. N. Kazakov and S. L. Koralev, and A. L. Stolov", title = "Stark structure of the spectrum of the {Dy$^{3+}$} ion in a {LiYF$_4$} crystal", year = 1977, journal = "Opt. Spectrosc.", volume = "{\bf 42}", pages = " 327--328"} @article{EBAWML79, author = "L. Esterowitz and F. J. Bartoli and R. E. Allen and D. E. Wortman and C. A. Morrison and R. P. 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Marvin", title = "Mutual magnetic interactions of electrons", year = 1947, journal = PR, volume = "{\bf 71}", pages = " 102--110"} @article{Mor68, author = "B. Morosin", title = "Crystal Structure of Anhydrous Rare--Earth Chlorides", year = 1968, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 49}", pages = " 3007--3012"} @InCollection{Mal87, author = "B. Z. Malkin", booktitle = "Spectroscopy of Solids Containing Rare Earth Ions", title = "Crystal field and electron-phonon interaction in rare-earth ionic paramegnets", publisher = "North-Holland", year = 1987, editor = "A. A. Kaplyanskii and R. M. Macfarlane", pages = " 13--50", address = "Amsterdam"} @InCollection{ML82, author = "C. A. Morrison and R. P. Leavitt", booktitle = "Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths", title = "Spectroscopic properties of triply ionized lanthanides in transparent host crystals", editor = "K. A. Gschneider Jr and L. Eyring", volume = "5", chapter = 46, year =1982, publisher = "North-Holland", pages = " 461--692", address = "Amsterdam" } @article{SW79, author = "M. B. Seelbinder and J. C. Wright", title = "Site-selective spectroscopy of {CaF$_2$}:{Ho$^{3+}$}", year = 1979, journal = PRB, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = " 4308--4320"} @article{TW87, author = "B. M. Tissue and J. C. Wright", title = "Site-selective laser spectroscopy of {CaF$_2$}:{Pr$^{3+}$} and {CaF$_2$}:{Pr$^{3+}$},{R$^{3+}$} ({R$^{3+}=$Y$^{3+}$, Gd$^{3+}$, Nd$^{3+}$})", year = 1987, journal = PRB, volume = "{\bf 36}", pages = " 9781--9789"} @article{Url77, author = "W. Urland", title = "The application of the Angular Overlap Model in the calculation of paramagnetic principal susceptibilities for $f^n$-electron systems", year = 1977, journal = CPL, volume = "{\bf 46}", pages = " 457--460"} @article{Url78, author = "W. 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Williams", title = "Analysis of the crystal-field spectra of the actinide tetrafluorides. {II}. {AmF}$_4$, {CmF}$_4$, {Cm}$^{4+}$:{CeF}$_4$ and {Bk}$^{4+}$:{CeF}$_4$", year = 1994, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 101}", pages= " 8277--8289", } @article{LLZLAB98, author = "G. K. Liu and S. T. Li and V. V. Zhorin and C. --K. Loong and M. M. Abraham and L. A. Boatner", title = "Crystal-field splitting, magnetic interaction and vibronic excitations of ${}^{244}${Cm}$^{3+}$ in {YPO$_4$} and {LuPO$_4$}", year = 1998, journal = JCP, volume = "{\bf 109}", pages= " 6800-6808"} @article{FGAL89, author = "M. Faucher and D. Garcia and E. Antic--Fidancev and M. Lemaitre--Blaise", title = "The spectrum of {Nd$^{3+}$} in rare earth orthoaluminates. The trigonal to orthorhombic transition study of the 2{H}$_{11\over 2}$ level", year = 1989, journal = "J. Phys. Chem. Solids", volume = "{\bf 50}", pages = " 1227--1235"} @article{GF89, author = "D. Garcia and M. 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Trammell", journal = PR, title = "Magnetic ordering properties of rare-earth ions in strong cubic crystal fields", year = 1963, volume = "{\bf 131}", pages = "932--948", } @article{HP78, author = "W. G. Harter and C. W. Patterson and F. J. da Paixao", journal = RMP, title = "Frame transformation relations and multipole transitions in symmetric polyatomic molecules", year = 1978, volume = "{\bf 50}", pages = "37--83", } @article{HP79, author = "W. G. Harter and C. W. Patterson", journal = JMP, title = "Asymptotic eigensolution of fourth and sixth rank octahedral tensor operators", year = 1979, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = "1452--1459"} @article{PS71, author = "E. Pytte and K. W. H. Stevens", journal = PRL, title = "Tunneling model of phase changes in tetragonal rare-earth crystals", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 27}", pages = "862--865"} @article{NC71, author = "D. J. Newman and G. E. Stedman", journal = JPCS, title = "Analysis of the crystal field in rare-earth substituted oxysulphide and vanadate systems", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = "535--542"} @article{EN66, author = "M. M. Ellis and D. J. Newman", journal = PL, title = "The crystal field of {PrCl$_3$}", year = 1966, volume = "{\bf 21}", pages = "508--510"} @article{NE66, author = "D. J. Newman and M. M. Ellis", journal = PL, title = "Covalency in the rare-earth trichlorides", year = 1966, volume = "{\bf 23}", pages = "46--47"} @article{BN67, author = "M. I. Bradbury and D. J. Newman", journal = CPL, title = "Ratios of crystal field parameters in rare-earth salts", year = 1967, volume = "{\bf 1}", pages = "44--45"} @article{EN67, author = "M. M. Ellis and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth trichlorides {I. Overlap and exchange}", year = 1967, volume = "{\bf 47}", pages = "1986--1993" } @article{BEN67, author = "S. S. Bishton, M. M. Ellis, D. J. Newman and J. Smith", journal = JCP, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth trichlorides II. Exchange charge effects in {PrCl$_3$}", year = 1967, volume = "{\bf 47}", pages = "4133--4136" } @article{BN67, author = "S. S. Bishton and D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "A diagram method in {MO--LCAO} crystal field theory", year = 1967, volume = "{\bf 29}", pages = "1245--1253" } @article{NB68, author = "D. J. Newman and S. S. Bishton", journal = CPL, title = "Theory of the correlation crystal field", year = 1968, volume = "{\bf 1}", pages = "616--618" } @article{New68, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = CPL, title = "Linked cluster theorem for non-orthogonal wavefunctions", year = 1968, volume = "{\bf 1}", pages = "684--686" } @article{EN68, author = "M. M. Ellis and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth trichlorides. III Charge penetration and covalency contributions in {PrCl$_3$}", year = 1968, volume = "{\bf 49}", pages = "4037--4043" } @article{NC69, author = "D. J. Newman and M. M. Curtis", journal = JPCS, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth fluorides. {I. Molecular orbital calculation of {PrF$_3$} parameters}", year = 1969, volume = "{\bf 30}", pages = "2731--2737" } @article{CNS69, author = "M. M. Curtis and D. J. Newman and G. E. Stedman", journal = JCP, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth trichlorides. {IV. Parameter variations}", year = 1969, volume = "{\bf 50}", pages = "1077--1085" } @article{NS69, author = "D. J. Newman and G. E. Stedman", journal = JCP, title = "Interpretation of crystal field parameters in the rare-earth-substituted garnets", year = 1969, volume = "{\bf 51}", pages = "3013--3023" } @article{New69, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Second quantized formalism for non-orthogonal states", year = 1969, volume = "{\bf 30}", pages = "1709--1718" } @article{CN70, author = "M. M. Curtis and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth trichlorides. {V}. {E}stimation of ligand-ligand overlap effects", year = 1970, volume = "{\bf 52}", pages = "1340--1344" } @article{NSC70, author = "D. J. Newman and G. E. Stedman and M. M. Curtis", title = "The use of simplified models in crystal field theory", journal = "Colloques Internationaux, CNRS", year = 1970, volume = "{\bf 180}", pages = "505--512", } @InCollection{Jud78, author = "B. R. Judd", title = "Ligand polarizations and lanthanide ion spectra", booktitle = "Group theoretical methods in physics, Proceedings 1977", publisher = "Springer", year = 1978, editor = "P. Kramer and A. Rieckers", volume = "79", pages = "417-419", address = "Berlin" } @article{BN70, author = "S. S. Bishton and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Parametrization of the correlation crystal field", year = 1970, volume = "{\bf 3}", pages = "1753--1761" } @article{New70, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Many-body perturbation theory for non-orthogonal basis states", year = 1970, volume = "{\bf 31}", pages = "1143--1149" } @article{New70a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = CPL, title = "Origin of the ground state splitting of {Gd$^{3+}$} in crystals", year = 1970, volume = "{\bf 6}", pages = "288--290" } @article{CN71, author = "M. M. Curtis and D. J. Newman", journal = CPL, title = "Power laws for lanthanide crystal field parameters", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 9}", pages = "606--608" } @article{New71a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Spectroscopic data and parameters", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 4}", pages = "L185--L187" } @article{SN71, author = "G. E. Stedman and D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth fluorides. {II. P}arameters for {Er$^{3+}$} and {Nd$^{3+}$} in {LaF$_3$}", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = "109--114" } @article{SN71a, author = "G. E. Stedman and D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Crystal field in rare-earth fluorides. {III. A}nalysis of experimental data for the alkaline earth fluorides", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = "2001--2006" } @article{SN71b, author = "G. E. Stedman and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Spin--lattice relaxation and elastic properties of rare-earth substituted {LaCl$_3$}", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 53}", pages = "152--162" } @article{NS71, author = "D. J. Newman and G. E. Stedman", journal = JPCS, title = "Analysis of the crystal field in rare-earth substituted oxysulphide and vanadate systems", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = "535--542" } @article{CNT71, author = "G. M. Copland and D. J. Newman and C. D. Taylor", journal = JPB, title = "Configuration interaction in rare earth ions: {II}. {M}agnetic interactions", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 4}", pages = "1388--1392" } @article{NBCT71, author = "D. J. Newman and S. S. Bishton and M. M. Curtis and C. D. Taylor", journal = JPC1, title = "Configuration interaction and lanthanide crystal fields", year = 1971, volume = "{\bf 4}", pages = "3234--3248" } @article{SBP68, author = "R. M. Sternheimer and M. Blume and R. F. Peierls", journal = PR, title = "Shielding of crystal field at rare-earth ions", year = 1968, volume = "{\bf 173}", pages = "376--389" } @article{NU72, author = "D. J. Newman and W. Urban", journal = JPC1, title = "A new interpretation of the {Gd$^{3+}$} ground state splitting", year = 1972, volume = "{\bf 5}", pages = "3101--3109" } @article{USH74, author = "W. Urban and E. Siegel and W. Hillmer", journal = pssb, title = "Trigonal centre of {Gd$^{3+}$} in {CdS} investigated by variable frequency {EPR}", year = 1974, volume = "{\bf 62}", pages = "73--81" } @article{CNT73, author = "R. Chatterjee and D. J. Newman and C. D. Taylor", journal = JPC1, title = "The relativistic crystal field", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf 6}", pages = "706--714" } @article{New73, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Slater parameter shifts in substituted lanthanide ions", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf 34}", pages = "541--545" } @article{New73b, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Crystal field and exchange parameters in {KNiF$_3$}", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf 6}", pages = "2203--2208" } @article{LN73, author = "B. F. Lau and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Crystal field and exchange parameters in {NiO} and {MnO}", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf 6}", pages = "3245--3254" } @article{New73c, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Band structure and the crystal field", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf 6}", pages = "458--466" } @article{HF96, author = "K. Hummler and M. F{\" a}hnle", journal = PRB, title = "Full-potential linear-muffin-tin-orbital calculations of the magnetic properties of rare-earth-transition-metal intermetallics. {I}. {D}escription of the formalism and application to the series {RCo$_5$} ({R $=$} rare-earth atom)", year = 1996, volume = "{\bf 53}", pages = "3272--3289" } @article{HF96a, author = "K. Hummler and M. F{\" a}hnle", journal = PRB, title = "Full-potential linear-muffin-tin-orbital calculations of the magnetic properties of rare-earth-transition-metal intermetallics. {II}. {Nd$_2$Fe$_{14}$B}", year = 1996, volume = "{\bf 53}", pages = "3272--3289" } @article{MN73, author = "B. Morosin and D. J. Newman", journal = "Acta Cryst.", title = "{La$_2$O$_2$S} structure refinement and crystal field", year = 1973, volume = "{\bf B29}", pages = "2647--2648" } @article{New74, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Quasi-localized representation of electronic band structures in cubic crystals", year = 1974, volume = "{\bf 35}", pages = "1187--1199" } @article{New74a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "On the {M}adelung potential contribution to {S}later parameter shifts", year = 1974, volume = "{\bf 7}", pages = "L227--L229" } @article{SN74, author = "G. E. Stedman and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Analysis of the spin-lattice parameters for {G}d$^{3+}$ an {E}u$^{2+}$ in cubic crystals", year = 1974, volume = "{\bf 7}", pages = "2347--2352" } @article{BN75, author = "G. Balasubramanian and D. J. Newman", journal = JPCS, title = "Crystal field splitting of 5$d$ states in {Ce$_{3+}$:YPO$_4$}", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 36}", pages = "57--60" } @article{NB75, author = "D. J. Newman and G. Balasubramanian", journal = JPC1, title = "Parametrization of rare-earth ion transition intensities", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 8}", pages = "37--44", note = "In this paper the sense of $\sigma$ and $\pi$ polarization is reversed from the convention used in Chapter 10"} @article{New75, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Interpretation of {Gd$^{3+}$} spin-{H}amiltonian parameters", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 8}", pages = "1862--1868"} @article{NP75, author = "D. J. Newman and D. C. Price", journal = JPC1, title = "Determination of the electrostatic contributions to lanthanide quadrupolar crystal fields", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 8}", pages = "2985--2991"} @article{EN75, author = "A. Edgar and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Local distortion effects on the spin-{H}amiltonian parameters of {G}d$^{3+}$ substituted into the fluorites", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 8}", pages = "4023--4030"} @article{Edg76, author = "A. Edgar", journal = JPC1, title = "Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of divalent cobalt ions in some chloride salts", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 9}", pages = "4303--4314"} @article{New75b, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Ligand polarizability and the {G}d$^{3+}$ spin-{H}amiltonian", year = 1975, volume = "{\bf 8}", pages = "L520--L522"} @article{NE76, author = "D. J. Newman and A. Edgar", journal = JPC1, title = "Interpretation of {G}d$^{3+}$ spin-{H}amiltonian parameters in garnet host crystals", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 9}", pages = "103--109"} @article{New76, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = SSC, title = "The ground state splitting in {G}d$^{3+}$ and {E}u$^{2+}$", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 18}", pages = "667--668"} @article{New76a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "Crystal field effects in {S}-state ions due to exchange polarization", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 29}", pages = "177--182"} @article{New76b, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "Analysis of {E}u$^{2+}$ spin-Hamiltonian parameters", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 29}", pages = "263--272" } @article{NS76, author = "D. J. Newman and E. Siegel", journal = JPC1, title = "Superposition model analysis of {F}e$^{3+}$ and {M}n$^{2+}$ spin-{H}amiltonian parameters", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 9}", pages = "4285--4292" } @article{SM79a, author = "E. Siegel and K. A. M{\"u}ller", journal = PRB, title = "Structure of transition-metal-oxygen-vacancy pair centres", year = 1979, volume = "{\bf 19}", pages = "109--120" } @article{SDO66, author = "R. R. Sharma and T. P. Das and R. Orbach", journal = PR, title = "Zero field splitting in {S}-state ions {I. P}oint multipole model", year = 1966, volume = "{\bf 149}", pages = "257--269" } @article{SDO67, author = "R. R. Sharma and T. P. Das and R. Orbach", journal = PR, title = "Zero field splitting in {S}-state ions {II. O}verlap and covalency model", year = 1967, volume = "{\bf 155}", pages = "338--352" } @article{SDO68, author = "R. R. Sharma and T. P. Das and R. Orbach", journal = PR, title = "Zero field splitting in {S}-state ions {III. C}orrections to {P}arts {I and II} and application to distorted cubic crystals", year = 1968, volume = "{\bf 171}", pages = "378--388" } @article{SM79b, author = "E. Siegel and K. A. M{\"u}ller", journal = PRB, title = "Local position of {Fe}$^{3+}$ in ferroelectric {BaTiO}$_3$", year = 1979, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = "3587--3595" } @article{MB83, author = "K. A. M{\"{u}}ller and W. Berlinger", journal = JPC1, title = "Superposition model for 6-fold-coordinated {Cr$^{3+}$} in oxide crystals", year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 16}", pages = "6861--6874" } @article{MBA85, author = "K. A. M{\"{u}}ller and W. Berlinger and J. Albers", journal = PRB, title = "Paramagnetic resonacne and local position of {Cr$^{3+}$} in ferroelectric {BaTiO$_3$}", year = 1985, volume = "{\bf 32}", pages = "5837--5844" } @article{DEC93, author = "H. Donnerberg and M. Exner and C. R. A. Catlow", title = "Local geometry of {Fe$^{3+}$} ions on the potassium sites in {KTaO$_3$}", journal = PRB, volume = "{\bf 47}", pages = "14--19", year = 1993 } @article{Don94, author = "H. Donnerberg", journal = PRB, title = "Geometrical microstructure of {Fe$^{3+}_{\rm Nb}-V_0$} defects in {KNbO$_3$}", volume = "{\bf 50}", pages = "9053--9062", year = 1994 } @article{NV76, author = "P. Nov\'ak and I. Veltrusk\'y", journal = pssb, title = "Overlap and covalency contributions to the zero field splitting of {S}-state ions", year = 1976, volume = "{\bf 73}", pages = "575--586" } @article{New77, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = "Physica B", title = "Interpretation of the fourth--order spin--Hamiltonian parameters for Europium and Gadolinium ground states", year = 1977, volume = "{\bf 86--88}", pages = "1231--1232" } @article{New77a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "On the g-shift of {S}-state ions", year = 1977, volume = "{\bf 29}", pages = "L315--L318" } @article{New77b, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "Ligand ordering parameters", year = 1977, volume = "{\bf 30}", pages = "315--323"} @article{New77c, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Parametrization of crystal induced correlation between $f$--electrons", year = 1977, volume = "{\bf 10}", pages = "4753--4764"} @article{New77d, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Calculation of the effect of spin--correlation on lanthanide crystal fields", year = 1977, volume = "{\bf 10}", pages = "L617--L620"} @article{NPR78, author = "D. J. Newman and D. C. Price and W. A. Runciman", journal = "Amer. Mineral.", title = "Superposition model analysis of the near infrared spectrum of {F}e$^{3+}$ in pyrope-almandine garnets", year = 1978, volume = "{\bf 63}", pages = "1278--1288"} @article{New78a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "The orbit-lattice interaction for lanthanide ions. {I}. Determination of empirical parameters", year = 1978, volume = "{\bf 31}", pages = "79--93"} @article{AN78, author = "S. Ahmad and D. J. Newman", title = "Finite ligand size and {S}ternheimer antiscreening in lanthanide ions", journal = AJP, volume = "{\bf 31}", pages = "421--426", year = 1978 } @article{AN79, author = "S. Ahmad and D. J. Newman", title = "The use of discrete basis sets in configuration interaction calculations", journal = "Comput. Phys. Commun.", volume = "{\bf 18}", pages = "331--337", year = 1979 } @article{New80, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "The orbit-lattice interaction for lanthanide ions. {II}. Strain and relaxation time predictions for cubic systems", year = 1980, volume = "{\bf 33}", pages = "733--743" } @article{CN81, author = "S. C. Chen and D. J. Newman", journal = "Physica B", title = "Dynamic crystal field contributions of next-nearest neighbour ions in octahedral symmetry", year = 1981, volume = "{\bf 107}", pages = "365--366" } @article{AN80, author = "S. Ahmad and D. J. Newman", title = "Finite ligand size and the {S}ternheimer anti-shielding factor $\gamma_{\infty}$", journal = AJP, volume = "{\bf 33}", pages = "303--306", year = 1980 } @article{PN81, author = "Y. M. Poon and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Comment on the energy level analysis of Np$^{3+}$:LaCl$_3$ and Np$^{3+}$:LaBr$_3$", year = 1981, volume = "{\bf 75}", pages = "3646--3647" } @article{NA81, author = "D. J. Newman and S. Ahmad", journal = PL, title = "Coulomb exchange contributions to lanthanide crystal fields", year = 1981, volume = "{\bf 85A}", pages = "51--52" } @article{NC82, author = "D. J. Newman and S. C. Chen", journal = PRB, title = "Models of the dynamic crystal field", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 25}", pages = "41--46" } @article{NC82a, author = "D. J. Newman and K. S. Chan", journal = JPC1, title = "On the description of internal strain", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "L323--L325" } @article{NSF82, author = "D. J. Newman and G. G. Siu and W. Y. P. Fung", journal = JPC1, title = "Effect of spin-polarization on the crystal field of lanthanide ions", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "3113--3125" } @article{CN82, author = "S. C. Chen and D. J. Newman", journal = AJP, title = "The orbit--lattice interaction in lanthanide ions {III}: superposition model analysis for arbitrary symmetry", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 35}", pages = "133--145" } @article{CN82a, author = "S. C. Chen and D. J. Newman", journal = JPA, title = "Symmetry coordinates for {O$_h$} atomic shells", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "331--341" } @article{PN82, author = "Y. M. Poon and D. J. Newman", journal = JCP, title = "Parametrization of the {CsNpF$_6$} optical spectrum", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 77}", pages = "1078--1079" } @article{SN82, author = "G. G. Siu and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Contributions to the ground state splitting of S-state ions {I}: The {${}^8$S$_{7/2}$} state of {G}d$^{3+}$", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "6753--6764" } @article{Siu90, author = "G. G. Siu", journal = JCP, title = "Quadratic crystal field contributions to the ground $S$-state splitting of {G}d$^{3+}$", year = 1990, volume = "{\bf 92}", pages = "97--103"} @article{New81, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPA, title = "Matrix mutual orthogonality and parameter independence", year = 1981, volume = "{\bf 14}", pages = "L429--L431" } @article{Lea87, author = "R. C. Leavitt", journal = JPA, title = "A complete set of $f$-electron scalar operators", year = 1987, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = "3171--3183" } @article{JHR82, author = "B. R. Judd and J. E. Hansen and A. J. J. Raassen", journal = JPB, title = "Parametric fits in the atomic d shell", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "1457--1472" } @article{DHJL85, author = "H. Dothe and J. E. Hansen and B. R. Judd and G. M. S. Lister", journal = JPB, title = "Orthogonal scalar operators for $p^Nd$ and $pd^N$", year = 1985, volume = "{\bf 18}", pages = "1061--1080" } @article{HJL87, author = "J. E. Hansen and B. R. Judd and G. M. S. Lister", journal = JPB, title = "Parametric fitting to 2$p^N3d$ configurations using orthogonal operators", year = 1987, volume = "{\bf 20}", pages = "5291--5324" } @article{New82, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Superposition model analysis of spin-Hamiltonian parameters", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 15}", pages = "6627--6630" } @article{New82a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = PL, title = "Operator orthogonality and parameter uncertainty", year = 1982, volume = "{\bf 92A}", pages = "167--169" } @article{New83a, author = "D. J. Newman", journal = PL, title = "Unique labelling of {$J$}-states in octahedral symmetry", year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 97A}", pages = "153--154" } @article{SN83, author = "G. G. Siu and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Spin-correlation effects in lanthanide ion spectroscopy", year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 16}", pages = "5031--5038" } @article{CN83a, author = "S. C. Chen and D. J. Newman", journal = JPC1, title = "Spin-phonon Hamiltonians for 4f$^n$ ions in cubic sites", year = 1983, volume = "{\bf 16}", pages = "1179--1188" } @article{CN83, author = "S. C. Chen and D. J. 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