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Australasian High Energy Physics and Medical Physics conference 17-20 October 2006
Agenda (with links to abstracts)
REANNZ Workshop, Thursday 19th October
This year the AUSHEP conference was hosted in New Zealand for the
first time. It has previously be held annually in
Australia, focussing on topics in high energy physics and medical
radiation physics. This year the conference was hosted by NZCMS, the
New Zealand members of the CERN CMS collaboration.
Conference poster
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Partipants include speakers from
- Universities of Canterbury, Auckland and Massey, NZ
- Universities of Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Wollongong, Australia
- Australian Synchrotron, Monash University, Australia
- Christchurch Hospital
- All India Institute for Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
- INFN, Italy
- European Organisation for High Energy Physics (CERN)
- Medipix medical imaging collaboration, CERN
- ICECUBE and RICE Antarctic neutrino collaborations
Abstracts and Proceedings
A list of abstracts for the talks is available in the printed conference programme, and online
by following links to talk titles in the conference agenda.
Additionally, copies of the slides from all of the talks are available at a
post-conference rate of $20 (including postage) per CD.
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