Millions of stars need to be photometrically monitored to find examples of gravitational microlensing. Very large databases are consequently formed on variable stars. For example, the database of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been used by the MOA group to study long-period red variable stars. A multiplicity in the period-luminosity relation, shown below, was confirmed, and studied in terms of excitation mechanisms of red pulsating variables. We found that almost all Mira stars are located on the classical period-luminocity relation in spite of the multiplicity.

Period/Lum. of Red Vars in LMC.

Period-luminos ity diagram of red variables in the LMC. Several sequences of stars are apparent.

Other types of variable stars are also searched for using wide-field survey telescopes, including the optical counterparts of gamma ray bursts and X-ray transients. The optical counterpart of an X-ray transient is shown below.

XRayTransient Counterpart.

Optical counterpart of an X-ray transient found at Mt John

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Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics